67 Responses

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  1. The Maestro
    The Maestro at ·

    I have a bone to pick with you people…

    Why are oranges not listed as a Festivus fruit? They are considered a delicacy in Japan (according to my Ravioli George statue). And I would want my soup in a bread bowl, with a rubber band in it – Paco’s in the kitchen. Nothing more satisfying than finishing your lunch and be staring right at your desk. If you want an egg white omelet, the answer is no – it says so right on the menu. Maybe I’ll just get the duck instead; it’s so succulent.

    I have to go adjust my manssiere since I just got a ride and they stopped short. I need to decompress.

  2. Jon the Hero
    Jon the Hero at ·

    For the terrible presidential candidates we currently have, and those who support them.
    The terrible ones are: Trump, Jeb!, and Clinton. May their souls be damned to hell.

  3. Lynnie Lou
    Lynnie Lou at ·

    The post office employees all go to lunch at the same time and leave one on the desk. The lunch crowd comes in on their lunch hour and the line is 15 deep. Cant they stagger lunch times??

    Sick of going out to lunch with people who order two or three drinks, most expensive things on menus, appetizers, main meal, dessert, etc. and want to split it without throwing anything extra in. OR people who pass the check around and put what they think they owe, forgetting about tax and tip. The collector gets stuck for the rest.

    Rules that make no sense in condo communities, like getting permits for putting up crown molding in your own home? Really? Or a permit to tile your bathroom floor. Each permit is $100. No wonder we all do it without one!!

  4. Sue Snark
    Sue Snark at ·

    Donald Trump running for president.

  5. Trying to breath
    Trying to breath at ·

    I don’t like The phrase butt hurt. I always give the think you wave when someone lets me merge and so why can’t other people do it. The community complex I live it is supposed to be smoke-free it when I pull into my garage I know the neighbor is it is smoking.

  6. The Fishermonger
    The Fishermonger at ·

    My grievance is with the dolts who, when driving on an Interstate Highway posted at 70 mph, insist on dropping their speed to 60 every time they see a cop.

    Additionally, among my many grievances with my employer is that I have to undergo goals planning and goals closeout each year, even though they are not used to determine raises!

    Finally, I have a grievance with the American people, who continually insist of finding dumber, more egotistical, less qualified and more hateful political candidates each election cycle.

    All of you can eff off.

  7. Stefanie
    Stefanie at ·

    There is no Lake in Lake Charles and Estes Park isn’t a park!! What ridiculousness is that?!?!

    Again if you think some one has their bright lights on double check before flashing them, they might just have those super bright lights and you are just being a jerk.

    None of my best friends live close enough to hang out. 🙁 I blame everyone.

    Pull up your dang pants! I don’t care who you are I do t want to see your underwear!!

    1. The Fishermonger
      The Fishermonger at ·

      “I don’t care who you are I [don’t] want to see your underwear!”
      Speak for yourself, Stefanie! I have a rather lengthy list of people whose underwear I’d be interested in seeing.

  8. Anonymous
    Anonymous at ·

    To my bosses: for being stupid, incompetent, micromanaging aholes, I wish upon them dysentery.

    To the social medialites: with your dumb ass unoriginal quotes, motivationals and all around bitching about the fact that they can’t find a good man/woman because (enter retarded reason that they’re most likely guilty of doing themselves here,) stay miserable, you deserve it.

    And to all the women I’ve loved before: thank you for, little by little, molding me into the cynical, cold, heartless ahole I am today. I may not be perfect, but you should’ve responded to the love I gave you. I was worth it.

  9. Anonymous
    Anonymous at ·

    My kids think they can live my lifestyle when they don’t have a job.

  10. Heather
    Heather at ·

    My sister in law is so damn selfish. If it’s not about her, she’s all butthurt.

    1. Anonymous
      Anonymous at ·

      Is your sister in law ‘Trying to breathe’??

  11. Ms Festivus
    Ms Festivus at ·

    People in management who:
    Show favoritism
    Don’t appreciate loyal workers
    Lie right to your face
    Don’t stand up for their managers

    May karma find them quickly

  12. Dwarfgoatgirl
    Dwarfgoatgirl at ·

    I want to own a pair of dwarf goats but I live in a neighborhood that has a “no livestock” rule and defines goats as being livestock! My goats would be companion animals not livestock.

    1. Anonymous
      Anonymous at ·

      You need to call them “service animals”…..accepted at more places than Mastercard

  13. Anonymous
    Anonymous at ·

    People in Positions of Authority and Management who have no clue how to operate a company, and have never worked in the positions that they’re in charge of, all they worry about is the big bonus check that they get at the end of the year. While killing morale of their employees.

  14. Theresa
    Theresa at ·

    Big, fat airing of grievances time has to include the elderly hat that drives 20 mph in a 35 mph zone, on a weekday, at rush hour, because he absolutely, positively needs to get his morning paper and coffee more than I need to get to work.
    So many more…..It should be a WEEK of Airing of Grievances.

  15. Fanny Festivus
    Fanny Festivus at ·

    1) people who can’t just say it how it is. I’m not Sherlock Holmes up in here trying to figure out why you’re mad or what you want from me or where you want to go eat. I’d be getting at Col. Mustard with the wrench in the library if I wanted to solve mysteries.

    2) people who are offended by everything. Do the world a favor and build yourself a no offenses allowed bubble and stay there.

    3) insurance companies. GD already. Is it THAT hard to get a job done? Are y’all on strike or tasked with finding the most difficult way to do something? Do you get bonus money the more you F things up? There’s gotta be something other than the amazing odds that every incompetent person in the universe is employed by an insurance company.

    4) people who make GoFund Me accounts who aren’t actually “in need.” I get it. Bills come. Life happens. But when you’ve got pictures posted up with you at the bar or showing off your new whip and then you’re asking for money to catch up on rent or you are your kids will be homeless – no. How about keep yourself home and out of da club so you can pay da rent?

  16. Nick Morales
    Nick Morales at ·

    The Kardashians.
    Justin Bieber.
    Selfie Sticks.
    Drivers that can’t use turn signals.
    Vaping at concerts.
    People that have lost the ability to say ‘please’ ‘thank you’ ‘excuse me’

    GO AWAY!!

    1. Elizabeth
      Elizabeth at ·

      I love you, Nick!

  17. Valteron
    Valteron at ·

    I have a grievance against the people who make shaving cream. No matter WHAT you do you always get too much, and you see big gobs of the product you bought with your hard-earned money floating in the sink like miniature icebergs, And you know that somewhere the scumbags who make the shaving cream are laughing at you because you are the stupid jerk that pays their six-figure salaries! And then, when you least expect it, after filling your hand with unneeded shaving cream for two or three weeks, the lousy can goes empty, and all you get is a bit of white liquid and the can going FZZZZZ like it’s farting in your face!

  18. Mar
    Mar at ·

    I’m sick of waiting for those jerks at Google to get the self driving car on the market and I’m sicker of bloody traffic

  19. D. Puddy
    D. Puddy at ·

    I am angry at a financial service company that has an office in Boston, MA. I go through the effort of writing a resume cover letter and go through an interview but yet you refuse to hire an individual who is over the age of 50 and out of work for over three years? Time for the feats of strength with this financial service company that has naming rights to a football stadium in NJ, has a blimp and uses Peanuts cartoons in their commercials.

  20. J. Peterman
    J. Peterman at ·

    My company couldn’t smooth a silk sheet if it had a hot date with a babe…

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