Seinfeld Board Games, Ready for Festivus Fun
When it comes to the Festivus Feats of Strength, maybe you don’t want your gathering to resemble the coliseum in the days of the Romans. Think about it. Grown adults grappling right next to your antique armoire. There has to be a better way. A board game is a great low-impact replacement for Feats of…
Yes, Soup for You! Ready for Festivus Dinner
Soup has been featured prominently throughout the Seinfeld series. From Kenny Bania’s choice of soup when Jerry took him out for a “meal” to Elaine’s description of Lobster Bisque being the “best part” when she Yada Yada’d sex. To be honest, Bania only had a consomme which really isn’t a meal, unless you crumble some…
The Simpsons Christmas Couch Gag Complete with a Festivus Reference
Twittering Festivus Cheer
Social networking is a great place to get your “Festivus” on, and Twitter is no exception. Don’t forget to follow FestivusWeb on Twitter as we TWEET and RETWEET all things Festivus. Here is gallery of some of the Festivus treasures we have recently retweeted (reposted). Enjoy! (Click thumbnail images to view)