Air Your Grievances! It’s Festivus time and this is the place to let it fly.
To Air a Grievance, simply fill out the “reply” form below (Scroll down to the bottom):
- All posts are moderated. We cannot approve anything that is libelous, racist etc.
- You are NOT REQUIRED to include your real name or email. It’s up to you if you do or not.
- Have fun!
I can not tolerate that Christians would think wishing “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons’ Greetings” is a War on Christmass! I know plenty of great people who are not Christians, but celebrate all secular joys of Christmass/Saturnalia, and others who celebrate Hanukkah or Bhodi Day or Diwali or other HolyDays, and many who do not believe in any Holy Days or Santa or Jesus or God, but do celebrate our communal enjoyment of community around the Solstice & new year… So the next Sanctimonious Xian who takes offense at my secular Season’s Greetings or reverent Happy Holidays can expect (today at least) to get an ear full of grievances and a challenge to some Feats of Strength on Festivus!
I’m sick and tired of working in an office with 30~45 year old children who act like they’re still in high school. Quit all the whispering & gossiping for crying out loud a JUST DO YOU JOB! You are not nearly as cool or popular as you think. Nobody is fooled, and I’m particularly sick and tired of you. You know who you are, “Team Member”!
Things I’m sick of this year:
1) All the socializing at work. I do not need to be best buds with the people I work with. Let me get back to reading my book! And concerning the seminar we were forced to go to -I thought it was a bunch of crap, and I most definitely will not be studying that workbook in my free time.
2)On a related note, people not accepting that I am introverted and just do not want to do stuff all the time! I don’t like being treated as if I am weird because I have a different personality type.
3)People talking about Frozen and Game of Thrones. Have not seen Frozen, but I have seen Game of Thrones, and yes I hate it. Get over it, people! I didn’t even like the books.
4)People getting on the internet just to talk trash about something. I’m sure you can find a better use for your time. And yes, I realize the irony of this complaint.
I can’t stand that smug look on Tom Hanks’ face. That guy is the worst.
Why the hell am I at work on Festivus?
My five year old granddaughter made sure we had the Festivus pole up! Her grievance – her two year old brother ate her cookies!! Good-bye holiday stress! Happy Festivus!
Festivus Grievance #3…who is William H, Mick R, Anand P, and Justin P to tell me what kind of a fan I am. Just because I don’t know where my teams practice or have off season training camps. I don’t keep track of stats. I don’t care. I don’t care where they practice whether it be during the season or off season. I don’t know every single persons name on the starting roster. Again, I don’t care. So screw you on your continued bashing of my teams, players, and knowledge of them. And take all of your stats and knowledge and shove it. Note: This post was cleaned up for social media. #Festivus2014
Festivus Grievance #2…here’s the other thing people; if someone takes the responsibility to be in charge of something, (a party planning, a gift collection giving, etc) whether they volunteer or are appointed, you’re right to criticize or getting angry because something didn’t go according to plan is gone. Especially if you didn’t offer any contingency help if the initial plan fell through and you let it up to the person who is volunteering their time to do all the leg work, etc. Just be quiet. You get to sit there and be quiet. If you can’t help and be part of a solution, then you don’t have the right to complain about it in the end. You get to do nothing. #Festivus2014
For the love of god, can we do something about people who smack their gum and pop it really loud? ALL.FREAKING.DAY I have to listen to this.
What! Who thinks Seinfeld is funny enough to pay $75 dollars fo! Huh? Who I ask? who?
The English language is being destroyed by the unnecessary shortening of words. We obvi need to totes elims these from our lexi forevs.
I can’t friggin’ stand the use of “Team” anymore in the workplace … “my ‘team’ is working on that report” … “the commercial ‘team’ is doing a great job this year” … the product development “team” is handling that situation. I may work with you, but if we’re on a “team”, to me that means softball, or bowling or something like that. Drop “team” and substitute “group” or “unit” you dumb d-bags. Jeeze Louise.
My daughter has no respect for me and she turns things around to make me look like a bitch
Having to work the Friday after Christmas.
The “ghosting” trend is the death knell of 21st century dating. Stop the cowardice.
There is chaos on the sidewalks! Don’t people know you are to walk on the right? This is the USA!
The use of the word “OVERSIGHT”. What does it mean? Used to say “I’m sorry, that was an OVERSIGHT.” Now they say programs require MORE OVERSIGHT. Does that mean they will be more ignorant of it?
My sister in law is a piece of trash and my brother is a coward.
Not receiving my Christmas Bonus!!!! Sucks big time. Managers got theirs 🙁
You simply must watch Chevy Chase in “Christmas Vacation”!
Bacon and beer is so expensive.