Mark Nelson

The Kristof Family Festivus, Zapresic, Croatia

The Kristof Family Festivus, Zapresic, Croatia

For the past four years, Festivus has been an annual event for Tomislav Krištof and his wife Valeria from Zapresic, Croatia. However, this year is even more special as it is the first Festivus for his 3-month old son, Ignac. Tomislav is a huge Seinfeld fan, and often watches Seinfeld reruns on Croatian television. Clearly,…

A Rollicking Good Festivus in Eugene, Oregon

A Rollicking Good Festivus in Eugene, Oregon

The 2015 Festivus event even came with its own promo video. For Eugene, Oregon resident Dan Koss, Festivus represents a rollicking good time surrounded by amazing friends. For the past five years he and a group of like-minded individuals have gotten together for a traditional Festivus party. “Most of the same people, same pole, same…

Lynn’s Family Festivus

Lynn's Family Festivus

Last year, something happened to Lynn’s family that changed them in a deep and profound way.  They celebrated Festivus. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration… To be clear, Lynn’s family also celebrates Christmas, but for one evening last year Lynn ensconced the Christmas tree in a black “shroud” and her husband Dave put up an unadorned…

Airing of Grievances – Festivus 2016

Airing of Grievances - Festivus 2016

Air Your Grievances!  It’s Festivus time and this is the place to let it fly. To Air a Grievance, simply fill out the “LEAVE A REPLY” form below. You are NOT REQUIRED to include your real name or email.  It’s up to you if you do or not. All posts are moderated.  We cannot approve anything that…

Happy Festivus!

Happy Festivus!

Happy Festivus! I hope your Festivus is filled with grievances and completely buoyed by the strength-to-weight ratio of your aluminum pole. Here is a small taste of what is happening in the world of Festivus 2015:   On his wife’s Instagram, Jerry Seinfeld was almost heard to utter a single grievance… A special message on this…

It’s a Miracle Filled Festivus Eve

It's a Miracle Filled Festivus Eve

Karen Rogers sent a beautiful photo of a Festivus pole at the Kalapana lava field in Hawaii. She is lucky enough to spend December on the big island of Hawaii… still Festivus is not forgotten.       Mims Friedman Mast posted “Minimalist Festivus greetings” from the House of Mast in Atlantic County New Jersey. Another Festivus…

Are You Ready to Air Your Grievances?

Are You Ready to Air Your Grievances?

Today is Festivus Eve and the day of complaining is nigh.  Are you ready to sing out your grumbles? If you are Frank Costanza the Airing of Grievances normally begins with Festivus dinner.  However, many people let their grievances fly all day long.  Why not? People normally complain when their dissatisfaction reaches some sort of critical…