Check our the grievances below, or read the article 2023: Over One-Hundred Festivus Grievances.
Check our the grievances below, or read the article 2023: Over One-Hundred Festivus Grievances.
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I have an issue with the CFP and its playoff decisions based soley on which matchups are predicted to make the most money/tv revenue. Does winning matter anymore?!?!?
Someone accused my friend, Dr. Bison of being a guilty bystander.
Have you ever heard of a guilty bystander? No, because you cannot be a bystander and be guilty. Bystanders are by definition, innocent. That is the nature of bystanding.
I find it outrageous, egregious, preposterous!!
Healthcare tied to employment- who TF thought of that- keeps us miserable in jobs we hate! A thousand Festivus curses on that persons entire family!
Slow drivers in the left lane. Why is this still a thing?
New York Jets fans just give up already.
The NFL needs better referees. Get Taylor Swift fans to do it. They have better sense of what’s going on and that’s not saying much.
I got a problem with all you people who pronounce the “T” in the word “often” – it’s not OFF-TEN, it’s OFF-en.
I can’t believe the cost of groceries! Avocados were $5 each!
Relatives that invite themselves over for the holidays. Just because we’re related doesn’t mean I need to put up with you.
You couldn’t smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe
Those people who really need you to watch a video they found, and won’t let you leave until it’s done and you laugh.
People who leave their outdoor Christmas lights up until March
This is for my WAS -band. After our divorce was finalized, you made the perimeters for seeing “our dogs” so impossible, that I had to give them up. I curse you every day. I loved those dogs, they were my children. May Karma come at you when you least expect it.
Non-optional automatic tipping.
I hate people that constantly post their Wordle scores on Facebook
Patients in the emergency department who get mad when you tell them they’re fine.
Dear climate change deniers. It must be hard to deny the obvious.
Your turning signal is a built in piece of safety equipment. Not an optional feature.
People who work from home in big echoing rooms but take phone calls without a headset.
People who put lights on their festivus pole.
Oooh, what a good idea!!! 😬