Airing of Grievances – Festivus 2016

Kruger, you couldn’t smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe… … I lost my train of thought.

Air Your Grievances!  It’s Festivus time and this is the place to let it fly.

To Air a Grievance, simply fill out the “LEAVE A REPLY” form below.

  • You are NOT REQUIRED to include your real name or email.  It’s up to you if you do or not.
  • All posts are moderated.  We cannot approve anything that is libelous, inflammatory, racist etc.
  • Have fun!

50 Responses

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  1. George
    George at ·

    They should appreciate that I was the true hero in there. What looked like pushing… what looked like knocking down… was a safety precaution! In a fire, you stay close to the ground, am I right? And when I ran out that door, I was not leaving anyone behind! Oh, quite the contrary! I risked my life making sure that exit was clear. Any other questions?

  2. Princess
    Princess at ·

    You people expect a nice meal and a gift!? I haven’t seen you in three damn years! Where the hell are you the other 363 days of the year? No! Go fly a kite naked, tied off your private parts, down the highway for all I care — just go away! Far away!

  3. Anonymous
    Anonymous at ·

    Please change the Festivus to “Festivus for All of Us.” We are all one. Why exclude anyone.

    1. FestivusWeb
      FestivusWeb at ·

      “Festivus for the Rest of Us” seems very inclusive already.

  4. Anonymous
    Anonymous at ·

    Here’s my grievance: in a public building it’s not called a bathroom, its called a restroom/men’s room/lady’s room. You don’t take a bath in there, do you? Maybe I don’t want to know.

    Oh yeah, one more thing – outside it’s called the ground, inside it’s called the floor. Do you have ground in your residence? Again, maybe I don’t want to know : )

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous at ·

    Eira I have a lot of problems with static electricity frankly it shocking and I blame you!

    1. Anonymous
      Anonymous at ·

      Martin, I have a lot of problems with missing punctuation and incorrect spelling!!!

  6. Ray Bailey
    Ray Bailey at ·

    Happy Festivus! Here’s to you and yours on the airing of the grievances.

  7. Dianne Templeton Gardner
    Dianne Templeton Gardner at ·

    I do not want to have to say Merry Christmas. Is that still ok in the old US of A? Is the flag still flying? Can I say I cannot stand Donald Trump?

  8. Anony mouse
    Anony mouse at ·

    The Breakfast Club was not a club at all. In fact, they hardly knew each other. Also, no breakfast was served.

  9. Washington State
    Washington State at ·

    People should just just learn to accept the outcome of things…I don’t like Trump, but I didn’t like Hilary either, but it’s over ok?

  10. Joe
    Joe at ·

    I got a problem with you people, quit damn complaining about the weather around here! If you don’t like them MOVE!!! California or Arizona is calling you back!
    Seattle, WA

  11. Daynet
    Daynet at ·

    I’ve got a real problem with the weather around here. Rain, rain rain and more rain – it’s so un-Festivus like.

    I want some snow!

  12. Cosmo Benice
    Cosmo Benice at ·

    I got a real problem with Christmas candy made with Pretzels. Every time I have one realize these pretzels are making me thirsty! Festivus for the Rest Of Us!

  13. Price Club
    Price Club at ·

    A horse ate all my Beefarino. I’m so keeno on beefarino. What a delicious cuisino. Fit for king and queeno.

  14. Adog
    Adog at ·

    I’ve got a problem with one of you people. The electoral college was invented as a compromise between electing the president by congress or popular majority. It had nothing to do with horse and buggies or suffrage. Crack a book.

  15. Frankie
    Frankie at ·

    Political partisanship is such a huge waste of time and energy, whether you be right-wing or left-wing. Politicians don’t really care about you or your issues. They just need you to get elected, then they do whatever it is that helps them get ahead. Instead of spending all day ranting on Twitter or Facebook, get out, make new friends, see new things, read a book, take a class, get a hobby, clean out your garage… do something you never get to do anymore. Political partisanship will never give you satisfaction in life.

  16. Jen
    Jen at ·

    I’ve got a problem with you!

    You believe nonsense things, and you get all your news from Facebook. You are the reason old people shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet.

    You drink too much. That’s actually more of a compliment than a grievance, except that you fall down a lot and then I have to hear about your sprained feet for 2 weeks. Try alternating tequila with some water, you beloved drunk lady.

    And you. You’re the worst of everyone. You know why.

  17. K P
    K P at ·

    I saw a teacher, that is a Trump supporter, admonishing people’s fears online. Her black student wrote back and said, “I am afraid”. The teacher continued on with her rant about Hilary’s Democrats being whimps. 🙁

  18. blackcat725
    blackcat725 at ·

    I’ve got one problem with a lot of you people!

  19. Deanna
    Deanna at ·

    The electoral college is completely outdated! It was used back in the time before there was mass media. Back when there were a horse and buggies. Back when women couldn’t vote. Back when it was OK to own people.

    Time to get rid of the electoral college and use the popular vote.

  20. Me
    Me at ·

    They take the reservations but they don’t know how to keep the reservations. Keeping the reservation is the hard part. Anyone can take them

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